YMCA v České republice

YMCA - Křesťanské sdružení mladých lidí (Young Men´s Christian Association) je nejstarší, největší a nejrozšířenější mládežnická organizace na světě. Usiluje o harmonický rozvoj člověka, jeho ducha, duše a těla (jak symbolizuje červený rovnostranný trojúhelník, který má YMCA ve svém znaku). Je otevřena všem lidem bez rozdílu rasy, pohlaví, náboženského vyznání, sociálního postavení, fyzických i duševních schopností.


How to join YMCA?

You have a choice! Join us as:


You can find an activity that attracts you, either on the web or in our nearest branch center, connect with the organizers and then just log in. Here’s the list of individual branches: CLICK


See what YMCA does. If you find an activity you would like to help with, gain new experience and skills in, contact its organizers, you will surely agree on a possible form of cooperation. If you would like to propose an activity that YMCA could include in their offer, try discussing your idea with the management of your nearby branch about whether your initiative could be implemented.


YMCA has two types of individual membership.

    • Regular member: Anyone who is attracted to a program offered by the YMCA and who respects and explicitly doesn’t rejects YMCA's mission and goals, or even welcomes its Christian profile, even though isn’t a Christian himself, can become a regular YMCA member.
    • In order not to lose YMCA’s mission, along with the open membership, YMCA insists on the principle of Christian leadership. This means that YMCA requires workers, who take upon themselves the responsibility of YMCA’s direction (like committee members, secretaries, program leaders), not only to respect and not refuse its mission, but to become so-called active members.
    • Active member: An ordinary YMCA member who has reached the age of 16, accepted YMCA's mission as an active member, has participated in YMCA's work for at least three months, and who pledges an active-member’s pledge, professing his Christian faith. Active members - unlike regular members - have the right to vote and be elected to the YMCA’s management (committees). Likewise, all YMCA’s secretaries are active members.

Active member's pledge:

"I know the goal and mission of YMCA, the Christian Association of Young People. I believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son and Saviour, I want to follow, serve and obey Him. With His help, through my life, thinking, speaking, actions, working and free time spending, I want to implement and spread His gospel, to serve my fellow men and to defend all to whom injustice and wrongdoings are being done. I pledge to actively work in the YMCA, maintain its good name and to live in brotherly love with other members.”

If you wish to become a YMCA member, please contact your nearest YMCA office. 


Do you like our activities, but don’t have time to participate actively? You can at least support us with a financial donation. Again, ideally through the branch closest to you so that you can see for yourself that your gift serves a good purpose. If you want to contribute to YMCA in general, you can use our basic account.